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Monday, April 11, 2011

Contact details in India

Hi everyone

We have now been in Hyderabad for all of one week. We have been blown away by the generous support we have received from a large number of people, including a house to stay in, office space, and a lot of help with advice (from as far as NYC). It has made it significantly easier, and we are making great progress with settling in. We may even secure a long term house tomorrow.

We are still weighing up getting a Mahindra Xylo (100% Indian) versus a Toyota Innova. We think we should drive an Indian car in India. What do you think?

The kids are settled into school, and loving it. A true international school with 25 different nationalities. The most exciting part is the bus trip. Zoƫ (our 4 year old) was up since 4am this morning in excitement about going on the yellow school bus...

Anyway, I now have a mobile phone number, which means I can send out updated contact details. That is the purpose of this email. Please find attached new contact details. All my existing email addresses remain in place, it is basically the physical location and phone numbers that change.

I will be in Sydney from 18 to 22 April for Hollard meetings, and again 30 May to 4 June for Real Insurance meetings.

Kind regards


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Roger Grobler

Posted via email from Pay As You Drive

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